

The hope that technology will improve is central to the cryonics movement. Looking back, it’s clear that humanity has always tried to break through new technical limits. These days, people may expect to outlive both their parents and grandparents. The notion that medical science will progress means that the prospect of unfreezing cryogenic patients and returning them to health and youth is reasonable.

Cryobiologists believe that, eventually, the resurrection will be feasible because of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology allows for constructing and repairing biological cells and tissues by using tiny devices capable of manipulating individual atoms. Scientists hope that nanotechnology will one day restore cellular damage caused by freezing, aging, and illness. It’s a replacement for the hopeless processes of traditional burial and cremation. There’s a good probability that cryonics will work.

Those who choose cryogenic freezing do so in the belief that there is a better life waiting for them on the other side of death.

Cryogenic Freezing: A Scientific Discipline

Laboratories have cryogenically frozen human and tissue samples, cell lines, and extracts for years. Even though freezing helps preserve these samples in the long run, it’s usually fatal to everything, save the largest creatures.

So, when cells freeze, what happens to them? During a nucleation event, a very small number of molecules arrange themselves into a crystalline solid, onto which fresh particles often deposit, facilitating ice formation. Two types of nucleation may take place: heterogeneous and homogeneous. When ice forms by heterogeneous nucleation, it does so around a nucleation site, such as a particle of salt or an imperfection in the container.

What exactly takes place in frozen cells? This causes osmotic stress because the solute concentration rises around the cells, resulting in dehydration. However, if the ice particles generated during cooling are small enough, they may enter the cell and create ice there. All of these actions lead to permanent cellular damage.

The Logic Behind Cryonics

Robert Ettinger read a lot of science fiction as a young boy in the 1930s, and he naturally expected that scientists would discover a technique to stop the aging process sometime during his lifetime. He would envisage a future where illness was a thing of the past and death was something people did on their terms and when they were ready.

Ettinger, by then a physics professor, thought that science would overcome the problems of aging and untimely death during his lifetime. Fast forward 30 years, and these issues are still a reality. This naturally led him to consider potential hacks.

Whenever scientists finally succeed in defeating death, they could likely revive him. Therefore, if he is frozen instead of being buried or cremated after his death, he may get the last laugh.

His ideas on the topic were published in a book titled The Prospects of Immortality, initiating the cryonics movement in 1962.

James Bedford, a 73-year-old psychology professor who died of cancer in 1967 and is now resuming his life in a vat of liquid nitrogen in Arizona, was the first to experiment with cryonics. Slowly but surely, more joined them, and more than 300 people were chilling in vats of liquid nitrogen. Let’s take a breather right now.

The morbid practice of cryonics, also known as preservation revival, involves human freezing and pet freezing in the hopes of bringing them back to life in the future.

It turns out that this is like stating, “Wingsuit flying, or meteorology, is the sport of flying through the air using a wingsuit.” It’d be a bit weird if you mistakenly assumed that meteorology and wingsuit flying were the same. Meteorology is the study of atmospheric phenomena, including the behavior of wind.

Florida cryonics, on the other hand, is the technique of employing very low temperatures to attempt to preserve a human being. Cryogenics is a field of physics that examines the creation and consequences of extremely low temperatures. It’s not the same.

Cryonics is the morbid practice of human freezing in the hopes that life in the future can bring them back to life.

The cost of Miami cryonics can be covered by a very inexpensive life insurance policy, at least for younger people.

Given the technology they have access to, cryonics can eliminate the term “dead” as it deals with people who are currently condemned to die. Because of this, we may also alter the phrase “preservation revival.”

Because cryonics does not involve “freezing” people but rather vitrifying them into an amorphous solid form, we can get away with the word “human freezing.”

It seems like a good time to get rid of “morbid.” Floating a human skull in liquid nitrogen, vitrified, is it morbid? Yes. Is there anything more morbid than being buried alive and being devoured by worms and bacteria? In a word, no. The term is thus inappropriate.

That leaves us with something closer to this sentence:

The group of dedicated cryonicists may be considered a cult similar to Scientology because they utilize cryonics, a technique that induces a coma in individuals who are unable to accept the concept of death.

Contrary to misconceptions, cryonics does not exclusively reserve for the wealthy or the deceased. The process aims to preserve individuals who face an inevitable fate due to current technology. It doesn’t entail freezing but rather vitrification, transforming individuals into an amorphous solid state.

A community optimistic about the prospects of future technologies holds the hope that cryonics offers a pause for those unwilling to accept conventional mortality.


Ideal case. Patient terminates inside the cryonics facility as a planned event.


Local standby, slight delay, typical slow cooling.


Remote standby, slight delay, fast shipping.


Remote standby, moderate delays, shipping with layover.


Prolonged dying process, resulting in premortem cerebral hypoperfusion or One hour delay in pronouncement of death.


No stabilization, crude external cooling, shipped by mortician.


No perfusion possible. Chemical diffusion followed by cryopreservation or Suicide followed by autopsy.


Body undiscovered for hours or days.