

Welcome to Cryonics America, where we’re debunking some major misconceptions about cryonics in Miami, Florida. Let’s clear the ice on these points.


Cryonics America tackles a common misconception about cryogenic freezing —it’s not as simple as just tossing bodies into a freezer. Here, the main preservation method is vitrification. Rather than freezing bodies outright, vitrification involves replacing over half the water inside cells with protective chemicals. This prevents freezing during deep cooling, which happens at about -124°C.

Vitrification is a sophisticated process aiming to indefinitely preserve cells and tissues in their original state, steering clear of the ice damage that occurs with traditional freezing. Scientists have achieved reversible vitrification of blood vessels, and they’ve even recovered and transplanted a whole kidney using this technique.

Cryonics isn’t just about freezing bodies. It’s a blend of vitrification and cryogenically frozen bodies, all in the pursuit of preserving bodies in a state where future revival might be possible through advanced medical technologies. This multidimensional approach shows that cryonics goes way beyond the misconception of merely freezing bodies. It’s about bridging the present with the potential for preservation revival, aiming for a promising future. Plus, Cryonics America doesn’t just focus on human preservation—they offer pet preservation services too.


To clear up this misconception about Miami cryonics, let’s delve into the traditional definition of legal death. Differentiating between legal death and brain death is crucial, with the most significant difference being the presence or absence of cellular brain function. A legal declaration of death often indicates the cessation of heart function, making revival unfeasible under current circumstances.

Throughout history, people have perceived death as the point where current medical capabilities reach their limit in assisting the patient. We believe that the current categorization of “death” as a state where medical assistance is no longer effective may evolve. We envision a future where advancements in technology and medicine could alter this perception. It’s a rational projection that in a century, healthcare professionals will wield technologies and procedures we can scarcely imagine today. Whether it is human freezing or pet freezing, this foresight underpins the decision to freeze individuals considered “dead” now, with the hope of revitalizing them in the future to enjoy improved health and vitality.


The idea that cryonics involves deception for financial gain couldn’t be further from the truth. Cryonics isn’t built on deceit; it’s backed by scientific credibility and literature support. Numerous published journal articles and scientific endorsements, like the Scientists’ Open Letter on Cryonics, validate its scientific basis. Plus, those involved in cryonics aren’t in it for monetary gain. Our team operates with modest salaries, and the board members volunteer their time because they genuinely believe in the potential of cryonics to save lives.


It’s a common misconception that cryonics Miami won’t work because we haven’t yet revived a patient. But the core of cryonics lies in the belief that future advancements will one day allow us to bring cryogenically frozen patients back to life, restoring their health and youth.

Critics often lack expertise in vitrification, the process central to cryonics. Without understanding its nuances or how it preserves cell structures, it’s tough to accurately assess its viability. Many scientists aren’t well-versed in this.

The thing is, until a theory is proven to be the absolute truth, there’ll always be debates. History has shown experts can underestimate the future. They’ve been wrong before, overlooking what it might bring.


Being a trusted cryogenic freezing company, Cryonics America’s aim is bodies preservation, not just heads. While the focus is on preserving the brain, it’s not about neglecting the rest of the body. The brain is the core of our identity, and by directing preservation efforts toward it, we can potentially ensure a higher-quality preservation. Our neuropreservation option safeguards the brain within the head during storage, aiming for the best possible preservation until future medical advancements allow for the regeneration of a new body around a repaired brain.


Luckily for you, this is a huge misconception. The majority of people who choose cryonics belong to the middle class and use life insurance to cover the cost of the process.

Another option for payment method for Florida cryonics involves placing a lien on a real estate property, which would be sold after the member’s death.

There is a one-time fee of $29,995 for the process and storage in perpetuity. There will not be any additional fees (monthly or annually) added to this price pre- or post-mortem, guaranteed.


At Cryonics America, we don’t dwell on fearing death; instead, we celebrate life. Our motivation is to enhance the possibility of revival for ourselves and our loved ones, rather than being driven by fear. When we talk about cryogenic freezing, we aim to unlock opportunities for longer, healthier lives. Think of it as hitting the “pause” button on the progression of death, giving future medical advancements the chance to address the causes behind why our cryopreserved patients ended up in this state. It’s akin to how we treat cancer patients, striving to give them more time and a chance for a better, extended life.


Far from conflicting with religious beliefs, Florida cryonics aligns with pro-life principles by striving to protect and sustain life. It’s comparable to other medically accepted practices like deep cooling during surgery or cryopreserving human embryos. Various religious perspectives, including those from Christian denominations like the Catholic and Protestant communities, support the life-affirming nature of cryonics. Our library includes essays exploring the compatibility of cryonics with various faiths, inviting contributions that affirm its morality and life-affirming potential.

Cryonics isn’t about freezing bodies; it’s about freezing cryonics misconceptions and hoping for a future where science rewrites the rules on what’s possible.